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Included in the package:

 - Dowel with mushroom mycelium

 - Wax

 - Brush


What you need:

 - About 30 minutes time

 - a shady spot

 - log

10mm drill + machine

clean tin or similar to melt wax in a water bath (like for cake)


1. Introduction

No mushroom hunting again this year? Or do you want to have short distances to your edible mushroom spots? In this guide, you will learn how to grow your favorite mushrooms in your own garden. This includes: finding the right spot and inoculating the logs properly.


2. preparation


A suitable workplace should have a stable base; a stable table, workbench or sawhorse is suitable for this.

-Tools and other equipment

What do you actually need to grow mushrooms? The mushroom spawn, which is a white coating on the plugs and contains the correct cultivar of the mushroom family, is essential. Wax helps to protect the plugs against environmental influences. The wax should be melted in a clean tin or similar in a water bath over a low heat. Caution: Hot wax and water do not mix!!! You will also need a drill or a good cordless drill with a 10mm wood drill bit.

3. timing

-When is a good time and which trunks are best suited?

The best time to prepare a tree trunk is late spring, when the sap begins to flow, which ensures a high sugar release. However, inoculation is possible all year round; it depends mainly on the tree species and the location. Only constant frost in the first 6 weeks and drying out will prevent the growth of your mushroom mycelium. Trunks with a diameter of 10-20 cm are ideal. Choose healthy wood! Look for any wounds and rot when selecting. Look at the freshly cut ends of the wood: You should see age rings without staining, as these indicate that colonization by other fungi has already taken place. The length of the log depends on you and the number of dowels (25 dowels per meter); logs of one meter are easier to move. About 4-6 weeks after cutting the log from the living tree is the perfect time to inoculate, by then the wood has lost all of its own fungicides but still has enough moisture for the fungal spawn.

With the standard inoculation method, you drill holes and drive the dowels into the wood. Now you can seal them with beeswax or tree resin to prevent beetles and other insects from eating the mycelium and drying it out. First, melt your wax in a water bath and keep it liquid Take your 10 mm wood drill Drill holes in a row 10 to 15 cm apart and 1.5 times the depth of the dowels Insert a dowel into each hole with washed hands so that it no longer sticks out (a hammer can be used to help here) Take the brush and now seal the holes in the dowels with a little wax. Now turn your wood a quarter turn and start a new row, staggered The number of dowels increases with the diameter of the wood


4. inoculation

-How do you inoculate tree trunks?

With the standard inoculation method, you drill holes and drive the dowels into the wood. Now you can seal them with beeswax or tree resin to prevent beetles and other insects from eating the mycelium and drying it out. First, melt your wax in a water bath and keep it liquid Take your 10 mm wood drill Drill holes in a row 10 to 15 cm apart and 1.5 times the depth of the dowels Insert a dowel into each hole with washed hands so that it no longer sticks out (a hammer can be used to help here) Take the brush and now seal the holes in the dowels with a little wax. Now turn your wood a quarter turn and start a new row, staggered The number of dowels increases with the diameter of the wood.


5. location

-Choice of location and care of the stems

Direct sunlight will damage your logs inoculated with mushroom mycelium. They should be stored in a forest-like environment (a canopy with subdued sunlight, north side of a building). As the humidity is higher near the ground, it is advisable to store the logs on another piece of wood or a pallet. Logs that come into direct contact with the ground rot more quickly. In the first year, you should water the trunk with a watering can during very hot summers. (Water not only your plants but also your mushroom trunks)


6. harvest

-When does fruiting take place?

If the stem has white ends, the mycelium has grown through the stem and is ready to fruit. This takes at least 6 months and up to 1.5 years, depending on the mushroom variety, size and type of wood. Fruiting occurs 2 to 3 times a year on its own, depending on the mushroom variety, wood, temperature, rain and other site conditions. However, you can also immerse them in water for 24 hours to induce targeted fruiting. After 5 years the production slows down and after about 10 years the log is rotten. The largest quantity of mushrooms is produced in the first third of the log's life expectancy.


Each type of mushroom has a suitable wood species:


Side mushrooms: oyster side mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus), lemon side mushroom (P. Citrinopileatus), tarragon side mushroom (Pleurotus Euosmus), chestnut side mushroom (P. Pulmonarius)

Wood species: apple, cherry, alder, aspen, beech, birch, chestnut, poplar, elm, maple, oak, eucalyptus, willow (on almost any hardwood)


Shiitake(Lentinula Edodes)

Special feature: The trunk should be hung up after it has grown through so that it hovers slightly above the ground

Wood species: Apple, alder, ash, beech, hornbeam, birch, chestnut, Douglas fir, maple, oak, poplar, eucalyptus, hazel


Hedgehog spiny beard (Hericium Erinaceus)

Wood species: beech, elm, oak, maple and birch


Sulphur spore (Chicken of the Woods)

Wood species: beech, cherry, sweet chestnut, willow, plum, walnut tree

(also parasitic - growing on old, living trees)


Reishi /shiny lacquer mushroom

Special feature: After growing through, the trunk should be buried 5 cm lengthwise in the ground or covered with loose soil and mulch

Wood species: alder, beech, elm, hemlock, maple, oak, pine, plum, spruce, willow (also parasitic - growing on old, living trees)


Dowels: mushroom inoculation plugs

€25.00 Regular Price
€21.25Sale Price
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