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Included in the package:

- Bag of mushroom spawn

What you need:

  • About 30 minutes time
  • A large container (>90L)
  • A bale of straw or wood shavings / sawdust

Suitable nutrient medium for your bed:


-Suitable nutrient medium for your bed:

Dry straw or hay that has not been stored in the rain or become damp is ideal for your bed.

Straw pellets, straw chips and hardwood chips or shavings are also very suitable. Because of the increased density compared to loose straw, care should be taken to ensure that air exchange is guaranteed and that heat generated by the fungal mycelium and organisms can easily dissipate. So do not make it thicker or higher than 35 cm.

2. Time

The best time to plant a bed is spring or fall.

Only severe frost and drying out in the first 6 weeks will prevent the growth of your mushroom mycelium.

Of course, the mushroom bed can be kept moist, so it is also possible to plant a mushroom bed in summer.

It is also possible to plant a mushroom bed in winter if the bed is well covered.

3. Location and care

In general, the bed inoculated with mushroom mycelium can be damaged by direct sunlight. Look for a forest-like environment (a corner with subdued sunlight).

This can be under a hedge, under trees or behind the north side of a building or a wall. You should only avoid 100% darkness (e.g. under a dense fir tree)

It is suitable to mulch the bed about 10 cm (straw, bark mulch, potting soil) or to cover it with something (fabric, fleece, plastic with holes) so that the moisture stays in the bed.

In hot and dry months, you should water the bed moderately.

Tip: If you use garden soil as mulch, you can plant cress, radishes or leaf spinach in it. Experiment a bit here =)

As a cover for the winter and nutrient for the next year, additional nutrient medium can be spread in a 5 cm layer on the bed and lightly worked in.

An additional layer of leaves and branches helps as frost protection.

4. Create a bed

  • The size of your mushroom bed should be 1 x 1 m and 25 - 35 cm high
  • The next steps should take place outside next to your mushroom bed location, as an intense stench will develop here
  • Take a large container (box, mortar box, several large buckets,...)
  • Put the nutrient medium in there and pour tap water over it, weigh your nutrient medium down with something so that it disappears under the water surface and let it soak for 7 days.
  • After soaking, you should tip the container over and drain the water
  • Cut the turf at your location and lay it as a border around your bed
  • Alternatively or additionally, one or two layers of unprinted cardboard can be laid down. This helps as a weed control mat and retains some moisture.
  • Add ¾ of the nutrient medium to the bed and press it down slightly
  • Using mushroom spawn:
    • Break up the solid brood by squeezing or gently hitting the bag
    • Open the brood packaging and spread it over the nutrient medium
  • Cover the brood with the remaining medium and press it down slightly
  • There must be no waterlogging in the mushroom bed.
    • Therefore, make sure that rainwater can drain or seep away easily and that no puddles form.
  • Likewise, it should not dry out:
    • Cover it loosely (~5 cm layer of soil, mulch, cover)
    • Keep your mushroom bed moist (treat it like a tomato plant)

5. When does fruit formation take place?

  • After about 3 - 6 months and depending on the weather, the mushroom bed is populated and the first mushrooms can sprout.
  • Fruit formation occurs depending on the type of mushroom, nutrient medium, temperature, rain and other conditions of the location.
  • When harvesting, you should have a good idea of what kind of mushroom you have in front of you.
  • Make sure with the help of specialist literature.
  • The mushrooms can be harvested at any stage until the cap edge has unrolled but not yet turned over.
  • It is better to harvest a little earlier, as mushrooms can double in size in 24 hours and attract other connoisseurs (snails).
  • If no fungus appears after several years of harvest, the bed can be filled with soil and planted, as the mycelium has now composted the nutrient medium.

Mushroom Garden Bed

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